Does staying healthy, strong, and fit while also having amazing adventures (or taking a stressful work trip) sound impossible? Well, it’s not.
Everyone wants to enjoy local food, go to parties, and live in the moment while travelling. At the same time, you don’t want to lose the fitness progress you’ve made over the last few months at BootCampSF. It took a lot of hard work and commitment to get you here!
So here are a few tips for taking care of yourself and being healthy while still having a great time on your trip. Or even better — coming home feeling fit as ever and revitalized.
Find a Local Gym
The chances are high there will be a local gym wherever you’re traveling in the world. So you should consider trying out some fun exercise classes to keep you moving. Before your trip, scope out the area around your hotel to see if there are any fitness classes nearby. You’ll find that a lot of gyms and studios even offer discounts or a free trial if it’s your first time. You should also check to see if your hotel offers a gym. Yes, traveling can be stressful, but trying new ways to workout should be fun.
2. Workout In Your Hotel Room
Travel schedules can be hectic, but even 20 minutes of activity will help make sure you’re still feeling in top-shape when you return home. So consider working out in the comfort of your own room. There are plenty of workout streaming services you can turn to for inspiration. Also, there are plenty of body weight workouts (like we do in class) that you can do. Pack resistance bands to incorporate some strength workouts, or even consider a jump rope, or light yoga mat. And don’t forget to pack those tennis shoes!
3. Use a Fitness Tracker
The benefits of a fitness tracker can follow you anywhere. Personal fitness trackers eliminate the guesswork out of your workouts. Fitness trackers can keep you motivated by tracking the steps you take, calories burned and your heart rate. Wearing a fitness tracker on your trip will remind you to get moving if you’ve been too sedentary. Fitness trackers are also a great way to see how many steps you’ve taken when exploring a new city.
4. The 2 Day Rule
An idea to incorporate wherever you may be in this world is the 2 Day Rule. The 2 Day rule is trying to never miss working out more than two days in a row. This rule can keep fitness as a priority, and best of all, you won’t find it so difficult to get back into the swing of things after you return home. (And of course there are always exceptions to this rule!)
5. Eat Quality Foods
This isn’t a workout tip per se, but it is vital to keeping your body in shape and feeling its best while away. Build your diet around quality food from natural sources (this can often be easier in foreign countries than it is in the United States). Every meal should have a protein source and at least one vegetable; add some fruits and nuts. Avoid dairy and grains, or only eat them in minimal quantities.
In Conclusion
Making working out a priority while traveling is essential. You should decide when you will work out before you leave by taking an assessment of your daily schedule. If you’re taking a business trip, glance at your itinerary and determine when you’ll be able to fit in your workouts ahead of time. If it’s a trip for fun, tell your friends or family that you plan on getting in a few workouts during your stay. It will let them know your plans and help keep you accountable.