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3 Tips to Boost Metabolism

Boost Your Metabolism

  “Metabolism” is defined as the whole range of biochemical processes that occur within your body. The term metabolism is often used interchangeably with “metabolic rate” which is the breakdown of food and its transformation into energy (calories burned). The higher the metabolism, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to lose … Continued

Calculate How Much Protein You Need A Day

How much protein do you need

The Importance of Protein There are dozens of reasons to make sure you get enough protein in your diet. Protein plays an essential role in every cell in your body. Protein is an important building block for muscles, bones, cartilage, skin, and blood. Hair and nails are made up of mostly protein. Protein is necessary … Continued

11 Tips for Eating Healthy at Restaurants

Healthy Eating

  Dining out and keeping commitments to your healthy lifestyle aren’t always compatible. You work so hard at home to follow healthy eating guidelines, but it can seem impossible to stay on track when at a restaurant. When eating at most restaurants, you can forget about knowing what is going into your food and it’s … Continued

The Mind-Muscle Connection

Mind Muscle Connection

  When it comes to strength training, lifting weights is much more than simply lifting the weight. Strength training requires you to really tune in and be present in order to have proper form. So to get the most out of your workout, you must understand the mind-muscle connection. What Is the “Mind-Muscle Connection?”  You … Continued

Benefits of Keeping a Food Journal

Food Journaling

  Let’s say you’ve baked a batch of brownies. After they cool, you proceed to enjoy one. Then, after an hour or so, those brownies begin to sit on the counter begging for you to just have another “taste.” So you cut a sliver. Then you cut and eat another sliver an hour or so … Continued

6 Tips For Mindful Eating

Eating Mindful Dinner

  At BootCampSF in San Francisco, we understand it is no secret that the holiday season makes keeping fitness goals a challenge. Extra pounds are happy to accompany you to that holiday party followed by another… and then another. But what if you want to avoid overeating and keep the extra weight at bay?  Be … Continued

4 Nutrition Tips for anyone who hates counting calories

Nutrition tips

    To lose weight, eat fewer calories than you burn. It sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? Yet, measuring your food intake in the modern environment is anything but simple. So what if you have trouble with calorie counting? No worries — at BootCampSF in San Francisco, we believe there are plenty of other methods … Continued

10 Ways to Celebrate Your Fitness Success

Fitness Success

  The holiday season has found its way back to us yet again. This is the time of year where celebrations and parties abound. How about adding celebrating yourself and all your fitness achievements (big and small) to the list?  At BootCampSF, we understand how tempting high-calorie dinners and a night of drinks can be … Continued

Should You Exercise When Sick?

  As cold and flu season descends upon San Francisco, there is a pretty good chance you’ll catch a virus in the coming months. So how do you know when to rest versus to try and “sweat it out”? The answer is definitely no one-size-fits-all (and when in doubt, see a doctor). But there are … Continued