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How To Know If You Have a Bad Attitude Towards Fitness … And How To Change It.

How to improve your attitude towards fitness


Yes, working out should be part of your daily routine so you may live your healthiest, best life. But working out shouldn’t control your life. Or even worse be something you resent doing each day. The way we think about working out might have as much impact as the workout itself. So how do we know if it’s time for an attitude adjustment? Let’s dive in and take a look.


We Are What We Think 

What is your approach to working out? Do you have an all too common “all or nothing” mindset? Do you live by the motto – “eat clean and train dirty?” And what about your personal life? Are you at the gym or working out so much that you don’t take the time to have meaningful connections? Are you too filled with angst after eating foods that aren’t included in your special diet? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then maybe you need a fitness attitude adjustment.

Too often, we’re made to feel that having an awesome, fit body means you must make countless life-altering sacrifices. And even worse, miss out on living life and taking part in meaningful events. Life should be better because you work out — not make you feel worse!

Of course, there will be some sacrifices. But with the right mindset, those sacrifices can be made to feel like opportunities not deprivation. Besides, having the wrong attitude towards fitness can be the kiss of death for sticking with a routine because you begin to resent working out. 

If you’re new to the fitness game, feel stuck, or are just obsessing, then keep reading to review a few examples of unhealthy fitness attitudes. It’s crucial that you have a positive attitude towards fitness or you’ll end up giving up.

You Avoid Favorite Foods 

Yes, making healthy food choices goes hand-in-hand with losing fat and being in top shape, but that doesn’t mean you should completely give up your favorite foods. Deprivation nearly always leads you to resent health and fitness. It also significantly increases the odds you binge eat, and then you’re likely to feel guilt and shame post-binge. This isn’t fun or good for anyone. If a majority of your time is spent exercising and eating well, then you’re allowed (encouraged!) to treat yourself occasionally — without guilt. Remember, developing a healthy lifestyle means consistently making good choices.


You Give Up Easily/You Make excuses

Losing weight can be easy. At first. But after those first few pounds dissolve into the ether, you have to keep putting in the effort to continue seeing results. Yet while you’re trying to stick to a healthy routine, the stresses in your life keep happening.

Do you give up and think, “weight loss just isn’t for me” or “I’ll get back on the wagon once things settle down”? These might be excuses. But no, you don’t have to get stuck thinking like this. Try and let go of excuses. And the best time to let go is right this very moment. Will life ever settle down? Most likely not. But how you respond is on you.


You Make Yourself Do Exercises You Hate

Yes, getting your heart rate up is important for overall fitness. But great news for those who despise running … you don’t need dedicated cardio sessions to lose weight. Activities like resistant training and boot camp exercises boost that metabolism and help you burn more calories. If you force yourself to do something you hate, you’ll end up resenting it and give up quickly. We only have but so much willpower in us, and fitness is most definitely NOT a one-size-fits-all endeavor. 

So be open-minded and try new physical activities until you find something that you like (or even love). Take adult swimming lessons so you can properly swim laps, bike ride in the country, explore your city on foot. Be creative! What’s important is being active and having fun. 


Closing Words

The right attitude towards fitness sets you up for longterm success. If working out starts feeling like a chore that you dread doing, then mix things up and find something new to do. Also, consider individual training. An individual trainer can develop a workout routine, meal plan, and overall strategy for achieving your goals.



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