We’re all searching for balance in our lives. Balanced minds. Balanced diets. Balanced work lives. But have you thought about the importance of having a balanced body? A good sense of balance is critical to preventing injuries and accidents.
At BootCampSF, we carefully consider the types of exercises used in our programs to make sure your muscle groups stay in balance. We also build core strength which is crucial to good balance. In addition to the abdomen, core strength includes strong hips, ankles, and gluteal muscles.
Sometimes you may not be aware you have weak balance, so in addition to BootCampSF classes, we also recommend you doing balance and core exercises a few times a week.
Flamingo Stretches
Hold back one leg and balance on the other foot for about 30 seconds, then switch. Repeat three times. Try moving as little as possible while doing this stretch. Focus your eyes on an object in the distance while standing on one leg to help keep you balanced.
Leg Swings
Stand on left leg and raise the right leg three to six inches off the floor. Then swing your right leg forward and backward, while keeping your arms at your sides, touching the floor for balance, and keeping your upper body straight. Next, repeat without allowing your foot to touch the ground. Lastly, swing the right foot to the right side while extending the left arm. Switch legs and repeat.
Keep Up The Core
You can do sit ups, crunches, and other ab exercises to keep your core in shape. By doing so, it will support your weight when you’re trying to hold still and balance.