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Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Make Ahead Breakfast

Grabbing  a banana and a cup of coffee as you run out the door?

Demolishing a  granola bar in 2 bites while driving to work?

Mornings are the hardest times to eat a complete meal. We’re usually in a hurry and don’t have time to prepare a full breakfast, let alone sit down to enjoy it.

Instead, of relying on a processed protein bar or a piece of fruit, try one of these make ahead breakfasts. These recipes are full of fiber, protein, healthy fats to keep you fueled through your morning.

Check out our favorite easy, make-ahead breakfasts:

The Month Before (freezer friendly): great for preparing in advance in large batches and keeping stocked in the freezer to last a couple weeks.

The Week Before: Take some time on Sunday to prep one or more of these recipes that will last a week in the fridge

The Night Before: If you don’t have anything made in advance, take 5 minutes at night to prep one of these grab-n-go breakfasts for the next morning.