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Mission 32/30: Coupons and sales can lead to bad food choices

Almost 5 weeks into Mission 32/30 and I must admit that I have not made much progress.  I weigh the same (plus or minus half a pound… okay more like plus) and my pants feel the same.  The fact that I’m the same weight is a testament to BootcampSF workouts countering some of my bad choices.

One bad choice I made was ordering pizza in bulk. Turns out that just because you have  a 2-for-1 pizza coupon, it doesn’t mean you should order two pizzas and justify the purchase by claiming it’s a great deal and that you will put some in the freezer and eat it over the course of the week.  If you are like me, that pizza never makes it to the freezer.  You toss it in the fridge and it lasts only a day and a half as you accidentally eat 7 slices per sitting.  Yes, I’m one of those kind of eaters.

     Just like pizza, I shouldn’t be allowed to surround myself with candy such as these crunchy chocolate covered peanuts from Trader Joe’s.  Instead of needing a coupon, they were just on sale (yes on sale!  Very unusual since Trader Joe’s rarely puts things on sale since their prices are usually pretty reasonable for the person who wants to eat healthier better foods, but is not ready or not able to take the Whole Foods plunge [and now I pause to catching my breath]).

Potato chips and cookies are also my enemies.  Often I don’t realize how much I’ve eaten until I’m done eating!  Once I start eating a bag of chips, before I know it I’ve stuck my hand in the bag 20 to 30 times and it is empty!  It really is my fault.  Instead of choosing junk food and fast food and using coupons, I should really spend my money on things like nature’s candy.

What is nature’s candy you ask?  Fruits!  I just say nature’s candy because it makes it feel more like a treat.  I mean, I’m sure fruit is a treat for other people and the more I eat fruit I’m sure it will become a treat for me as well.  When that day happens, instead of frowning when I say “fruit” hopefully I’ll have the same smile I get when I say I’m going to have some of “nature’s candy”!

Starting today, I’m going to try…. Scratch that… I am going to definitely eat at least three fruits a day.  My go to fruits will be a nectarine, apple and banana (which I bought in bulk and without the aid of coupons or sales).  If I ever figure out how to pick a cantaloupe correctly (right now I just knock on them and listen to the sound as if I know what I’m doing) I hope to add them to the daily mix.

Have a good workout!  Comments welcome either on the facebook page or directly to me at or [Pictured below are examples of my daily food log and exercise tweets]