Sports Drinks vs Water — Which is better for you?

Fitness experts remain undecided about the effectiveness of sports drinks after exercise. Some experts believe they’re too full of sugar to do any good, while others claim they’re an effective way to replace bodily fluids lost while working out. What do we think? Well, it depends. Let’s dive deeper into what sports drinks are and … Continued

Importance of sleep after BootCampSF wakes those muscles up!

BootCampSF utilizes a wide variety of exercises resulting in a satisfying total body workout. This means you will need to take special care in training-recovery which includes getting a good night’s rest. Sleeping well after you exercise makes your muscles and tissues stronger and helps prevent fatigue and injury. Your muscles learn to adapt to … Continued

Meal Plan Like A Pro

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “meal plan”? Is it a stack of plastic Tupperware filled with identical meals of chicken and sweet potato? Is it a tattered page out of your notebook with words like “salad” or “oatmeal” on repeat? Is a confusing app on your phone that you downloaded … Continued

3 Tips For Making Resolutions That Stick

If you’re the type of person who keeps making the same resolutions year after year, then this post is for you. Here are 3 common problems that keep your New Year’s resolutions from getting accomplished and how to fix them. They’re too general: How familiar does “get healthy” sound when Jan. 1st rolls around? The problem is that this goal is way … Continued

How To Become A Morning Person

Are you the type of person who enjoys waking up early? Do you feel energized and productive in the morning?Or are you a snooze-5-times and don’t-talk-to-me-for-30-minutes type? If you struggle in the mornings, there are some proven ways on how to become a (happy) morning person. 1. Get Fresh Air: The famed “breath of fresh air” … Continued

5 Hacks For A Healthy Week

When it comes to feeling (and seeing) the results from our health efforts, it can be hard to wait. You’re not alone if you want a little immediate gratification. Try one, or all 5, of these healthy hacks to help feel your best THIS week. 1. Plan and make your breakfasts for the entire week. Check out these 12 … Continued

How To Stay Healthy With A Busy Schedule

School’s back in full swing, the holiday season is looming, and the leisure of summer is long gone. This time of year can be one of the busiest as we all  adjust to new schedules. Isn’t it true that one of the most common comments we hear in our day-to-day is “I’m just so busy … Continued

12 Healthy Ideas For Breakfast

With school back in session and those lazy summer mornings coming to an end, we want to give you our best ideas for easy and quick breakfasts. Breakfast can be the hardest meal to make healthy choices as we’re usually looking for something quick and easy. Here are 12 creative ideas to get you inspired to try something … Continued

3 Things Your Fitness Tracker Is Missing

Do you track your food intake with an app like myfitnesspal or loseit? Do you have a wearable tracker like a fitbit or jawbone that tracks your fitness for you? If you said no to all of the above and you’ve never tried tracking your activity and food, we suggest giving it a whirl. Why? Because, … Continued

Savory Oatmeal: Your New Favorite Breakfast

Do you like oatmeal for breakfast? We know that it’s a favorite both for us here at BCSF (check out what our trainers eat here) and for you at home. It’s quick, satisfying and the ultimate comfort breakfast to come home to after a brisk morning workout. But we have a way for all you … Continued