This is your Brain on Exercise: IDEA World Convention

This past week while attending the IDEA World Fitness Convention I had the pleasure of attending a lecture by Dr. Terry Eckmann a professor from Minot State University in North Dakota. In many ways her lecture was very self-gratifying for those of us that work in fitness:  exercise is good for you and it’s good … Continued

Quiet Saturday + Weekend Recovery Tips!

Saturday Class @ Golden Gate Park! If you missed class this week, or just need a weekend boost, be sure to head out to class at 9am sharp tomorrow!  At Golden Gate Park, Ryan Conlon will be leading the way. We meet at our usual weekday location, the Sharon Meadows parking lot, which is near the Koret Children’s Playground, the old wooden carousel … Continued

Fighting Back Against the Snack Attack

Since moving to San Francisco last year I’ve been working from home which is a blessing and a curse in equal amounts. Working in pajamas gets major bonus points but having constant access to my kitchen can be a real pain in the you know what. Actually it’s more of a pain in the zipping … Continued

Oh Hi, Slow Cooker!

Do you own a slow cooker aka crock-pot? Chances are that you do. Here’s a hint. It’s probably hidden in the back of a closet or cupboard somewhere, and if you don’t then they’re seriously easy to come by. I’ve even seen them for sale in Walgreens and CVS. You know for all those times … Continued

Finding Fitting Music to Get Fit With

Are you good at making mix tapes? If so let’s chat because I’m so tragically not. I never fully understood or put into practice all of the so-called fundamentals necessary for arranging (with High Fidelity level fanaticism) music into painstaking order with proper beats per minute perfectly balanced with obscure tracks and tongue in cheek … Continued

Getting Fit and Staying Motivated with Pinterest

Are you on Pinterest? In case you somehow managed to miss the major press this addictive site has been racking-up the basic premise of Pinterest is that it’s a visual way to collect, organize, and share your favorite online content. Each item that you add to your account is known as a “pin” and each … Continued

7 Make Ahead Muffin Recipes to Kickstart Your Day

Whenever a new bootcamp session begins you’ll inevitably hear about the importance of eating something before you come to class. Classic responses to this never-ending conundrum include everything from a piece of toast to a banana. I tend to usually make an english muffin with peanut butter as that seems to be the right amount … Continued

Taking Our Talents to South Beach

You’re obvious familiar with your own boot camp home turf but do you ever wonder what takes place in other session’s outdoor spaces? I’m super nosy so I definitely do. Here’s a peek at the terrain we frequent at least 3 days a week in South Beach and some of the exercise that goes down … Continued

Do You Fit?

Do you fit? For once the aforementioned phrase has nothing to do with an inner monologue that I’m having with my jeans or a bathing suit. The fit in question this week involves your sneakers which just happen to be the be-all-end-all of your bootcamp bag of tricks. Right before we closed out our January … Continued

Chia… Not just a Pet Anymore!

Growing up through the 1990s, I couldn’t go more than 20 minutes without hearing the famed “Ch-Ch-Ch Chia!” on the television.  I heard it thousands of times, and every single time it got me singing the theme in my head while at the same time thinking “Why would I want a pet plant that looks … Continued