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Benefits of Sports Massage for Boot Camp Athletes

At BootCampSF we train you the way coaches train athletes. Each day is a different workout, and includes a combination of cardio training, cross-training, and strength training. BootCampSF workouts are designed to constantly challenge your body in unexpected ways, and this can often result in sore muscles — especially if you’re new to training. So … Continued

Sports Drinks vs Water — Which is better for you?

Fitness experts remain undecided about the effectiveness of sports drinks after exercise. Some experts believe they’re too full of sugar to do any good, while others claim they’re an effective way to replace bodily fluids lost while working out. What do we think? Well, it depends. Let’s dive deeper into what sports drinks are and … Continued

Importance of sleep after BootCampSF wakes those muscles up!

BootCampSF utilizes a wide variety of exercises resulting in a satisfying total body workout. This means you will need to take special care in training-recovery which includes getting a good night’s rest. Sleeping well after you exercise makes your muscles and tissues stronger and helps prevent fatigue and injury. Your muscles learn to adapt to … Continued

Importance of Good Balance

We’re all searching for balance in our lives. Balanced minds. Balanced diets. Balanced work lives. But have you thought about the importance of having a balanced body? A good sense of balance is critical to preventing injuries and accidents. At BootCampSF, we carefully consider the types of exercises used in our programs to make sure … Continued

Watermelon: Post Workout Muscle Soreness Prevention

Oftentimes, BootcampSF is a high intensity workout and you may feel the effects a few days after the workout is over. Muscle soreness is common, but with proper rest, recovery and nutrition, it can be eased and sometimes eliminated. Watermelon is an excellent choice to help relieve muscle soreness due to the high content of … Continued

The benefits of circuit training: torch calories without getting bored

Circuit training, much like we practice in boot camp, is an excellent way to keep your workout interesting while maximizing calorie burn and fat loss. We work outside during our BootcampSF workouts, which gives you the added benefit of soaking up the sun’s rays to boost Vitamin D and put you in a good mood. … Continued

3 Core Moves to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Did you know that lower back pain is quite common? According to a study conducted by the UNC School of Medicine, more than 80% of Americans will suffer an episode of low back pain in some time in their lives. However, there’s no need for alarm – lower back pain can be relieved and prevented … Continued

Can You Go Overboard With Your Workout Program?

Here at Boot Camp San Francisco, we’re all about celebrating hardcore workouts and the energizing feeling of accomplishment that comes from getting fit and healthy. However, as with anything in life, there’s also a balance needed. Keeping in balance is tough. Going “overboard” can mean straying too far to the left or to the right. … Continued

Are Boot Camp Workouts for Kids?

More and more kids are at risk of obesity, lower muscle strength, poorer coordination, and shakier balance than kids in generations gone past, because fewer and fewer kids are getting enough exercise. Children used to spend more time outside, and they seemed to naturally stay fit through the fun and games that they played with … Continued

Are Boot Camp Workouts For Seniors?

People love the boot camp workouts we do in San Francisco, and with good reason. There’s simply no substitute for arising in the freshness of an early morning dawn to meet with a group of motivated people and work out in the beautiful outdoors. If you’ve never done a boot camp workout before and you’re … Continued