Calculate How Much Protein You Need A Day

The Importance of Protein There are dozens of reasons to make sure you get enough protein in your diet. Protein plays an essential role in every cell in your body. Protein is an important building block for muscles, bones, cartilage, skin, and blood. Hair and nails are made up of mostly protein. Protein is necessary … Continued

11 Tips for Eating Healthy at Restaurants

  Dining out and keeping commitments to your healthy lifestyle aren’t always compatible. You work so hard at home to follow healthy eating guidelines, but it can seem impossible to stay on track when at a restaurant. When eating at most restaurants, you can forget about knowing what is going into your food and it’s … Continued

Benefits of Keeping a Food Journal

  Let’s say you’ve baked a batch of brownies. After they cool, you proceed to enjoy one. Then, after an hour or so, those brownies begin to sit on the counter begging for you to just have another “taste.” So you cut a sliver. Then you cut and eat another sliver an hour or so … Continued

Healthy Fall Breakfast Ideas to Fuel Your Day

  Recently, we created a list of our 5 favorite healthy breakfast ideas – so now we thought we’d create a fall iteration. Fall mornings are the perfect time to slow down and enjoy the season’s harvest with a healthy breakfast. The flavors of fall have plenty of possibilities beyond pumpkin spice (who are we … Continued

4 Simple Ways To Start Eating Healthier

  For some of us, eating healthy always seems just a bit out of reach. This can be frustrating and lead you to feeling discouraged. But you should never be too hard on yourself — especially in this age of fast food that screams out to us especially loudly when we are overworked and exhausted. … Continued

5 Healthy, Easy-to-Make Breakfast Ideas for Kids!

We’re writing one more blog dedicated to parents and their children! How many times have we been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Yet, it can be difficult to find nutritious, low sugar options for breakfast that children enjoy. We’ve pulled together some ideas for you to try in order to … Continued

Watermelon: Post Workout Muscle Soreness Prevention

Oftentimes, BootcampSF is a high intensity workout and you may feel the effects a few days after the workout is over. Muscle soreness is common, but with proper rest, recovery and nutrition, it can be eased and sometimes eliminated. Watermelon is an excellent choice to help relieve muscle soreness due to the high content of … Continued

The benefits of circuit training: torch calories without getting bored

Circuit training, much like we practice in boot camp, is an excellent way to keep your workout interesting while maximizing calorie burn and fat loss. We work outside during our BootcampSF workouts, which gives you the added benefit of soaking up the sun’s rays to boost Vitamin D and put you in a good mood. … Continued

Good Mood Foods: Nutrition to Balance Hormones

We all have our ups and our downs, it’s natural. Those days where we feel lost, unmotivated, heavy, and maybe even sad. We are humans after all, and you’re allowed to feel these things. However, while you are going through these occasional downs, there are ways to help your body, and your mind, feel better. … Continued

Fitness Nutrition Tips for Better Energy

There’s nothing worse than wanting to work out and struggling to have the energy to do it. It’s one thing if you’re just unmotivated, but it’s a completely different thing if you genuinely do not have the energy to do as much as you’d like in a day. Having more energy is a beautiful thing, … Continued