The Sun Shines on Munday!

***posted by foxbehungry*** Yay!!  Daylight savings has come and gone and the morning BootCampSF-ers may still see the stars and the moon at 6am, but by 6:30 the sun is out and headlamps are no longer needed.  If any of you are morning runners, now is a great time.  If you are a late afternoon … Continued

The Hills Are Alive With the Sounds of Sneakers

Approximately 96 factors need to be at their ultimate level for me to be able to run for exercise. For instance, my shoes need to be tied just so, socks a certain fabric, it can’t be too hot or too cold, I need my iPod, my workout clothing can’t be too big or too small … Continued

99% in one serving?? [nothing to do with Wall Street]

***posted by foxbehungry*** 99% saturated fat.  Twenty grams.  In one serving!!  I’ve never seen that before.  I’m sure I’ve eaten that much before without even knowing.  Maybe at a bbq or a carnival (who can resist funnel cake or deep fried items like twinkles, candy bars and of course, chicken).  But never before have I … Continued

Don’t Worry. No One Makes You Do the Bent Arm Hang

When last we met I was fretting about my first foray into outdoor exercise, but like anything you’re dreading the day still arrives whether you want it to or not. So one Monday morning in July I woke up to the annoying iPhone alarm at 6:00 AM, dragged my anxious self out of bed, forced … Continued

Thoughts from a 6am-er

Note:  The events depicted below may not have happened exactly as described, but they did happen exactly as remembered.  Or it could be a mixture of many mornings.  My alertness level and ability to retain memory are not at their peak levels between 5:30am and 7am.  All thoughts are actual thoughts I’ve had during class … Continued

But Boot Camp Sounds So Scary…

I moved to San Francisco from Boston in May. At that point I was coming off a seemingly endless winter of snow, sleet, and stuck indoors-ness. It would appear that most of those long cold months I lounged on my favorite chair watching television and football games while drinking wine and eating very very bad … Continued

Mission 32/30: 6 weeks down, how many left to go??

After one 6 week session I wasn’t sure if I’d actually made any progress.  I’ve heard good things from friends and fellow bootcampers, but for the most part I think they like me so I just figured they were being nice.  I’ve heard I look like I’m melting and that I appear “thinner in the … Continued

Mission 32/30: Coupons and sales can lead to bad food choices

Almost 5 weeks into Mission 32/30 and I must admit that I have not made much progress.  I weigh the same (plus or minus half a pound… okay more like plus) and my pants feel the same.  The fact that I’m the same weight is a testament to BootcampSF workouts countering some of my bad … Continued

Mission: 32/30—KFC, why can’t I resist you??

This past weekend I stayed with my buddy and his wife in Seattle. It was a beautiful weekend. No rain, plenty of sunshine and daytime temperatures reaching the mid-90s. I even went for a run that first morning I was in town. Burning some good calories and working up a good sweat. Felt pretty good … Continued

Mission:32/30 Week 1 Update–It hurts when I sneeze.

Pushups, sprints, dips, exercise band activities, squats(several varieties), lunges(several varieties), hills, stairs, planks, crunches, toe touchers, situps, burpees(aka up-downs), bear crawls, wheel barrows(not wheel barrels; see pictures above) sprints, jogs and of course a nice stroll along the beach with Leandra Rouse (and 17 others… geez, don’t get me in trouble with my fiancee!). Okay, … Continued